Legacy i·V7: “The Future for Surround Sound…
February 2021
Publication: Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity
Reviewer: Tyler Stripko
Products: i·V7, i·V2 ULTRA, i·V6, i·V3, i·V5, i·V8, i·V4, i·V1 ULTRA Mono Bloc, i·V4 ULTRA
"The Legacy Audio i∙V7 multichannel amplifier is a true powerhouse of an amp. It offers a massive amount of power across all seven channels for exceptional dynamics and output. Starting with its incredibly low noise floor, the iV7 builds from there with great bass slam, an exceptionally clean midrange, and excellent treble detail."

"Amazingly lightweight, cool running, the main chassis is constructed of thick aluminum with a brushed black finish and feels very solid. The heat vents, Legacy badge, and upper piece of the front power meter are all finished in polished copper, which gives the i-V7 a very distinct and classy look."
"As long as you leave some open space above the i∙V7’s chassis to allow the heat to escape you should never run into any thermal issues. I never noticed the amp get much more than warm to the touch. Given the efficiency of the amp and its very low heat output, those of you who like to leave your amps on all the time should have no issue doing so."

"Setting up the i∙V7 was about as easy as could be. The amp itself had a velvet cover with the Legacy Audio logo stitched on it – a very classy touch.
"Right from the start, the dynamics and rhythm of the bass grabs you and doesn’t let go. The Legacy could present a very neutral midrange and lower treble. I could easily hear the subtle inflections in her voice. Imaging seemed very good too, with her voice emanating from the space between my left and right speakers."
"Dynamics seemed livelier and the upper midrange and treble presentation was significantly better. These cymbals didn’t have the same level of detail and airiness through my reference amp as they did through the i∙V7. The upper midrange and treble just seemed to be “clearer” through the i∙V7. What really struck me was that there seemed to be so much more musical details in the treble and upper midrange but I wasn’t hearing any of the brightness or edginess I associate with amps this articulate."

"The i∙V7 was made to show off a good multichannel system."
"Playback really did sound effortless for the Legacy. The i∙V7 drove my Olympica IIIs with exceptional control, delivering incredibly tight-sounding kettle drum thwacks complete with natural decay and reverberation. The midrange continued to impress with woodwinds and strings sounding balanced and beautiful, with excellent clarity."
"Emotionally, the i∙V7 was far more engaging and markedly better than my reference amplifier. i∙V7 just gave me more of what I loved during my stereo listening, just with more channels and even more volume."

"All I can say is WOW! The clarity of the dialogue from my center channel was amazing and you could even make out the marble-lined rooms reverberation/echo as the security guard tells Neo and Trinity to remove their metallic objects."
In the movie Gladiator: “you could clearly hear his hand brush each individual strand of wheat. I don’t think I’ve ever noticed this detail before, and I have heard this soundtrack dozens of times on many different systems over the years. Serious credit to the i∙V7 for bringing out this subtle little detail. The i∙V7 simply made scenes like this even more fun to watch."
"Dynamics were exceptional, with no sign of strain even with the volume cranked beyond 95dB with no hints of distortion or strain anywhere in the sound field. Tone and timbre were perfect across all channels."
"Very impressive indeed!" - Tyler Stripko
John E Johnson continues:
"Excellent build quality, massive power reserves, and excellent performance make the Legacy Audio i∙V7 multichannel amplifier a great buy for a top-tier system."
"The i∙V7 does pure power, dynamics, and bass better than pretty much any competitor on the market without sacrificing performance in the midrange or treble. The impressively neutral midrange and detailed, yet still sweet treble response bring music and film soundtracks to life. Musical backgrounds are incredibly quiet, helping the sound to “jump” out at you. The new ICEedge® modules are a noticeable step up from the last generation ICEpower® units."
"The result is an amplifier with 80% – 90% efficiency, meaning you will get more power out of the amplifier from your 120 Volt wall socket than you would with a conventional Class A/B amplifier. Less heat is generated so more of the energy is used for music."
"I have to say here that the Legacy Audio i∙V7 amplifier truly surprised me. I could get 600 watts out of two channels at the same time without causing a big problem for my UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply). I can barely do 500 watts from a single channel testing a Class A/B amplifier."

"I am very impressed with the performance of the Legacy i∙V7 Class D seven-channel power amplifier. Its efficiency allows the amplifier to output very high wattage in several channels at the same time without blowing a wall socket fuse. You would not be outputting 600 watts in all seven channels for more than a fraction of a second during dynamic peaks. Distortion is well controlled."
"I think this technology is the future for surround sound amplifiers. If I were setting up a new home theater surround sound system, I would get this amplifier without hesitation. Well done Legacy!"
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