Legacy Aeris Review- "The Avatar of What the…
Publication: The Absolute Sound
Reviewer: Anthony H. Cordesman
Product: Aeris XD
"The Legacy Aeris is the avatar of what the next generation of speakers should be."
“It is a truly full-range speaker, with bass deep into the subwoofer region, outstanding performance at every frequency to the limits of hearing and beyond, excellent definition, outstanding dynamics, and a visual image that might win it an entry to the Museum of Modern Art in New York.”
"The Legacy Aeris is not a speaker as much as a system for ensuring the speaker can be adjusted to solve room-speaker interaction problems in a musically realistic way. This is the single most important area for advances in high-end audio, and Bill Dudleston (Legacy president) has pushed further into this area than any designer I’m aware of to date."
"I’ve had some great speakers in my listening rooms over the years, but I have never been able to get around so many room-interaction problems. The difference is striking."
“The Aeris reproduced the midrange of my best piano and violin recordings seamlessly and with the kind of accuracy that is sometime missing in even the most expensive competition.”
“…I have not heard better top-octave sound at any price.”

"…the Aeris will reproduce all of the bass detail that is actually on even the most demanding bass spectaculars. Saint-Saens, the deepest organ music, Kodo drums, Telarc bass spectaculars, bass guitar, synthesizer- take your pick. The Aeris not only provides great bass detail, it does so more evenly throughout the room."
“Working with the dealer to tailor the setup while you are actually listening to music makes a critical difference.”
“…you may well hear even more detail than you thought was on the recording."
"The Legacy Aeris is a speaker that helps redefine the state of the art.”

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