Legacy Powerbloc "The promise of serious power…
Publication: Sound & Vision
Reviewer: Daniel Kumin
Products: Powerbloc2 ULTRA, Powerbloc4
Legacy Powerbloc "The promise of serious power at a fair price is honestly made and fully delivered"
The Legacy Powerbloc2 and Powerbloc4 provide "high power in a compact, Class D package, with dynamic, uncolored sound.”
They are "all the power most will ever need, with the sound quality you want in a slim, cool-running package." Both Powerbloc2 and Powerbloc4 are the 2017 Sound & Vision Top Pick.

"The Powerbloc2 ran dead-quiet. Even when I put an ear an inch from the woofer, midrange, or tweeter, no trace of hum or buzz was evident on either channel."
"Not a trace of a turn-on thump was to be heard."
"I heard not a trace of the dynamic squish or leading-edge flattening that a lack of dynamic headroom imparts. The totally convincing realism of each leading-edge ping of a cymbal strike and the palpable pull of air impacting from each accented kick-drum hit were emblematic of a good system operating without dynamic limitation."

"I enjoyed a pristine, crystal-clear, and endlessly dynamic movie soundtrack at true high-end commercial-cinema levels."
"Other things being equal, more power is always- always- better than less power. The Legacy amps don’t “sound like” anything other than the system to which they’re connected and the recording applied to them. Which is all I ask of any amplifier."

With the Powerbloc4, “a reference multichannel-music disc like Mahler’s Symphony No.1 on a Telarc SACD sounded goose-bump believable at real-concert levels, while a succession of familiar movie scenes delivered the expected film sound- unrestricted, uncolored, and as loud as I cared to hear (and a very good deal louder)."
"Legacy’s promise of serious power at a fair price is honestly made and fully delivered."
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