Kris Deering of hosted his own Pacific Northwest Area Home Theater Meetup in his hometown of Port Orchard, WA. What began as a small gathering turned into a huge event with nearly 50 attendees!

The Main Attraction

Kris's home theater room featured the Legacy Audio Surround System...

"Without a doubt the main attraction was my theater room. I kept movie and music demos rolling throughout the day to demonstrate what can be achieved in home theater today. Just a few days earlier I had installed a brand new Legacy Audio speaker setup comprising the spectacular Focus SE towers, the Marquis HD center, and Phantom HD surrounds. This is a truly full-range audio system sporting no less than six 12-inch woofers across the front soundstage and dual 8-inch drivers in the surrounds."

"As good as the bass performance is, the brilliant midrange and detailed top end is the real star of the Legacy show. These are some of the most musical speakers I've ever heard and their effortless presentation was one of the biggest highlights of the day. The front soundstage was driven by a pair of newly acquired Emotiva XPR-1 thousand-watt monoblocks, while the surrounds were powered by the XPA-2, the latest addition to the popular XPA line."

Kris continues on AVS:

“I only had them installed for a couple days before the event and since the event I haven't had the amount of time I'd like to listen to more music. But every minute I've spent with them has been exquisite so far. These speakers have definitely earned every bit of praise I'd heard about them long before they were in my room.”

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